Staking $PROOF
How to stake your $PROOF to share in the daily trading volume of all PROOF launched tokens.
Last updated
How to stake your $PROOF to share in the daily trading volume of all PROOF launched tokens.
Last updated
This help guide assumes you have bought $PROOF already. If not, buy some $PROOF and then come back here. Buy PROOF ↗
Head over to the staking dashboard: ↗
Connect your wallet.
Once your wallet is connected, navigate to the "Stake & unstake" tab.
Enter the amount of $PROOF that you'd like to stake. If you want to stake it all, simply click that "Max" button.
Then, click the blue "Stake" button.
You'll be prompted to sign a transaction in your wallet.
Your $PROOF is now staked! 🎉
You'll now start to see your rewards accrue (paid in ETH), and at any time you can click "Claim rewards". You'll pay a small amount of gas each time you want to claim your rewards.
Remember, the more $PROOF you stake, the greater your rewards as you'll own a greater percentage of the "staked pool".
It's important to note that there's a 48 hour unstaking period. This is to prevent people "gaming the system" and only staking their $PROOF to take advantage of a big upcoming launch.
To unstake your $PROOF:
Go to the staking dashboard: ↗
Connect your wallet.
Navigate to the "Stake & unstake" tab.
Click on the "Unstake" tab.
Enter the amount of $PROOF you want to unstake. Click that "Max" button to unstake it all.
Click the blue "Unstake" button.
You'll then be prompted to sign a transaction in your wallet.
Head back over to the "Stake" tab, and you'll see the amount of tokens that are in the "Unstaking period", along with how many hours you have left until it becomes unstaked.
After the unstaking period has passed, you can now click "Claim it now".
You'll sign a transaction in your wallet.
Your $PROOF tokens will then be sent back to your wallet.